Nestlé Toll House
Spring Retailer Toolkit




THE CHALLENGE Create a toolkit of assets Nestlé Toll House products during the spring drive time for small retailers to download and customize through an internal portal.

THE SOLUTION Start with the Taste You Love: by utilizing this overarching brand headline, the agency team created custom visuals and taglines tailored to the general Spring timeframe, as well as Valentine’s Day and Easter. With materials ranging from various sizes of digital banner ads with an area for retailers to place their logo, to customizable print ads, circular placements and more, this toolkit empowered small retailers to keep up with the custom programs that larger stores buy into.

Utilizing a mixture of existing photography, stock imagery, and packaging assets, I created these layouts to showcase the fun variety of seasonal offerings from Nestlé Toll House. Without a photoshoot, I art directed the photo retouching for this project, as well as designed the pieces you see below. My goal was to capture the essence of Spring with pastel gradients unique to each Spring drive time, positioning a giant floating cookie front and center to increase appetite appeal. The aesthetic of this campaign also laddered up to larger evergreen brand initiatives, ensuring consistency for shoppers across all channels.